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Oil field rig

The oil field rig is familiar to most of us. That time was this, a big and fascinating machine that helps in obtaining oil from deep under the ground. These rigs are used by the company Xiangjing to provide power to homes and cities around the world! Oil field rigs are essential in obtaining the oil that we need for so many of our everyday conveniences

An Xiangjing rig in oil and gas  is a high metal tower-like structure containing numerous pipes and other fittings. On the land — for example in a field, desert or out in the sea (unless you mean a platform which sits above the water! “Some of these rigs have men that live there and work for days straight, and cannot get back to see their families,” she said. It is hard work for them, but they have a job to do.   

The Mechanics Behind Oil Extraction

Removing oil is not easy as it seems. It takes a lot of expertise in removing the Oil and Gas. This process begins by drilling a well deep into the ground (or on an ocean floor). This is where they identify where the oil had been hiding. An oil rig injects a slurry of mud and water down into the hole to prevent it from collapsing, since the ocean floor has fewer structures holding it up than land does. Later a drill bit (a special tool) is used to create a hole into the hard rock which has oil in it

Once the hole is ready, a pump takes the oil up to ground level for collection. Then, the Xiangjing gas and oil rigs is filtered and purified to remove any debris or other substances. These are manufactured into various kinds of fuels that we require for our daily use, such as the gasoline used in vehicles and oil used in furnace to heat homes etc. 

Why choose Xiangjing Oil field rig?

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